Jul 1, 2010

Compliments from #174 Juru DT customer

Name : ong yee wen

Age : 33

Address : kulim square

Town/City : kulim

Poscode : 09600

State : kedah

Contact No. : 0124342288

Email : ongy10@yahoo.com

Restaurant : juru mcdonalds

Feedback : i trully satisfied the servis of this retaurant,coz it really make me fell the diferrent,coz i went there last 2day nite with my family..the staf at there is helpful n very kindess,coz i'm a OKU,alot of thing also i cant do it myself..i went alot of mcdonald's before this,but this the one that hav such a gud caring servis..i'm a regular customer of mcdonald,me n my family really love mcdonals..thx alot that thay hav provide my such a great servis

1 comment:

Leonard said...

Dear Store Manager & team,

Well done in the customer care that you have shown. Keep up the good job & keep it going!

Best regards,
Leonard M. W. Wong
Corporate Communications Department