Apr 29, 2008

Dinner with Greenlane Team

After winning the Drive-thru Challenge 1st runner-up prize last year, Suria and team decided to go for an outing to Tambun Water Theme Park for a day of fun in the sun. They also organized a dinner to thank all who came to help in one way or another. This was dinner tonight at Teluk Tempoyak (Man, getting there is a challenge in the first place ... Phew!)

Preparation to win this year's Drive-thru Challenge starts NOW !

1st Quarter OC/TC Meet

We just came back from our 1st Quarter OC/TC Meet - everything went well including the meals .... got oysters,no sashimi and as for coffee ... OK la ;)

This was Jeffrey's first meeting with OCs & TCs - what an experience for all of us in the room listening to his humble,inspiring speech of his story,personal and career ups and downs ... plus of course his 3-year vision for Ops Dept. We were so inspired that we have invited him to talk to all SMs on 7/5 .... so,come with your notebooks ready to take notes and do some sharing! El did a great job with our PC Best Practice presentation (she says she needs more practice .... nervous wor) and our presentation topic was none other than this blog!

Hah - must be first,daring and different mah ...

Eng Chew & Hong Chin got a T-shirt each for Best CSO - Perfect Zero score! (CSO and turnover only can score zero,k ?) and Eng Chew also got a watch for highest peak hour GC growth. Congrats,guys! Special incentive for all SMs who are currently on zero CSO - "Maintain till end of 2008 and you win RM2,000!!!" All Eng Chew and Hong Chin's stores plus Jalan Gopeng are currently zero CSO - that makes a total of 13 SMs standing a chance to win RM2000! Go for it,boys and girls !

Special thanks to Chee Beng for his canggih gadget that got us internet access during the presentation. And of course El, for her brave presentation :) Oh,and Haliza (MFY) plays the piano beautifully !

Stay tuned for some great ideas we learnt from the other OMPCs - for starters,this is the 38th reminder this year on VHSG,schedules and Hitrate :) I know you guys can do it .... remember to work on what we can CONTROL and not get hung up over things that is beyond our control.

See you guys EOM!

Apr 28, 2008

CLOC - Eng Chew

Pada 28-29 April 2008,kelas CLOC telah diadakan di McD Greenlane.Program selama 2 hari ini telah disertai oleh 40 orang Ketua Krew dan potensi Ketua Krew.Objektif utama diadakan kelas CLOC adalah untuk menaikkan tahap QSCV di stor,menambahkan ilmu pengetahuan,menaikkan tahap produktiviti dan untuk kemajuan diri.

Kelas selama 2 hari ini telah dikendalikan oleh Pengurus Restoran seperti Cik Suriani,Puan Satriah,Cik Lizawati,Cik Safna,Puan Day Nee,En.Raymond,En.Chee Beng dan En.Chong Beng dan dibantu oleh En.Fuad(Pengurus Satu Greenlane).

Pengajaran selama 2 hari meliputi topik-topik seperti kewajipan zon,MFY/UHC,latiahn,komunikasi,kerjasama,kawalan produksi,perkhidmatan iLi serta kawalan mutu dan sanitasi.

Pada hari terakhir,semua krew perlu menduduki ujian bagi menguji tahap kefahamn dan pengusaan ilmu selama tempoh pengajaran.Majlis graduasi telah diadakan sebelum tamatnya program.Ketua Krew dari McD Kompleks Bukit Jambul, Mohd.Hafizi B Abbas telah dipilih sebagai ‘Best Contributor’.Tahniah kepada semua krew yang telah menghadiri kelas ini.Harapan dari Pihak Pengurusan semoga ilmu yang diperoleh akan digunakan sebaik mungkin semasa bekerja.

Apr 20, 2008

OLDP Convocation

FINALLY,they graduated! Our pioneer batch of OLDP students graduated in a formal convocation held at the Shangri-la Hotel on 20/4/08. Ahem ... I was there ! Even though we (Charles,Daniel,Chan and Dom) joked that we could leave after our students received their scrolls,we actually stayed till the whole event was over.

Congratulations to everyone who graduated - may you continue to learn,grow and develop!

Family Nite - McD Juru DT

As part of our ongoing retention plan, we held a “Crew Family Night” at McD Juru DT on 20th April from 7:30pm- 9pm.
The response was great ! We invited 12 new crew and their family members to join us!

We briefed our crew's family members on McDonald’s as the place their children work in, career opportunities, incentives programs, benefits and flexible hours. Store Tours were conducted for them and they were really impressed with the inside of our restaurant!

In conclusion, we got feedback from crew's parents that they were happy to attend our “Family Nite” and it was a good way of getting to know where their children work, their working hours, benefits and they also ended up having more trust in us ... Yes,we will be "Employer of Choice"!

Apr 19, 2008

Grand Opening - McD Caltex Farlim

Wow,we recently added another Grand Opening to our list of celebrations this year!

It was full of fanfare and lots of media friends attending … simply because the occasion was graced by YB Tuan Mohammad Firdaus Khairuddin,Deputy Chief Minister (1) of Penang and YB Yeoh Soon Hin, State Assemblyman of Paya Terubong.

Everything went well with the usual ribbon-cutting ceremony,speeches (yes,by our very own Chief Financial Officer,CC Chan too),games,performances,Lion Dance and who else but Ronald McDonald!

After the Press Conference,we had a meal with the VIPs followed by a short tour of the various display booths. Thanks to all who worked hard to ensure success of this event ….. CC Chan, Jun from CCD,Eng Chew,Chee Beng and team,not forgetting Kartina plus all SMs & OCs who came to show support!

Till the next G.O. then!

Apr 18, 2008

Meet-Your-SM Weekly Session

With immediate effect, all of you will have a chance to meet your SM every week! Come meet your SM on the day and time specified on the poster!

Make time to see them about any topic at all ..... they'll be waiting for you :) Oh ya ... if want to meet OC,every Thursday and OM ..... every Friday !

Apr 16, 2008

Tambun Water Theme Park - DT Challenge Prize!

Bagi meraikan kemenangan dalam Pertandingan Cabaran Pandu Lalu 2007(Drive-Thru Challenge 2007) yang diadakan pada 8 Disember 2007,di mana McD Greenlane telah memenangi tempat ke-3,satu lawatan ke Taman Tema Tambun,Ipoh telah diadakan.Dengan memenangi wang tunai sebanyak RM 3000,kami keluarga besar McD Greenlane meraikan kemenangan gemilang ini di taman tema tersebut pada 16 April 2008.Seramai 58 orang termasuk krew dan pihak pengurusan telah mengikuti lawatan ini.

Kami bertolak pada pukul 9 pagi dengan menaiki sebuah bas dan 4 buah kereta. Sebelum sampai ke Taman Tema Tambun,kami telah mengadakan lawatan ke McD Sultan Azlan Shah,Ipoh.Kehadiran kami yang ramai ini disambut penuh mesra oleh Pengurus Restoran, Encik Azahar Ismail dan Penolong Pengurus Satu serta kakitangan McD tersebut. Setelah hampir 40 minit di sana,perjalanan diteruskan ke destinasi yang menanti kehadiran kami ini.Tepat pukul 11 pagi,kami tiba di Taman Tema Tambun.Semua krew begitu gembira dan tidak sabar untuk meneroka taman tema tersebut.Segala penat lelah dan usaha keras kami semasa pertandingan tersebut akan terlerai di sini.
Setelah memasuki taman tema tersebut,Pengurus Restoran Cik Suriani Othman telah mengambil kesempatan mengucapkan jutaan terima kasih kepada semua krew yang telah bekerja keras semasa pertandingan tersebut.Beliau juga berharap tahun ini kami akan mencipta kemenangan yang lebih besar lagi. taman tema ini.Setelah itu,kami telah dibahagikan kepada beberapa kumpulan untuk acara sukaneka yang dikendalikan oleh kakitangan taman tema tersebut.Sebanyak 4 acara telah diadakan.Semua krew begitu bersemangat semasa menyertai acara-acara tersebut.Pihak pengurusan turut sama memberi sokongan dan sorakan sepanjang berlangsungnya sukaneka.
Tepat pukul 5 petang barulah kami keluar dari Taman Tema tersebut.Walaupun kepenatan,semua krew ternyata gembira mengikuti lawatan ini.Kami sampai di McD Greenlane pada pukul 9 malam.
Kami Pihak Pengurusan dan semua kakitangan McD Greenlane mengucapkan jutaan terima kasih kepada semua krew dan Pengurus dari restoran lain yang menjaga McD Greenlane semasa ketiadaan kami.

Crew Meeting - McD Juru

A GREAT day, a GREAT Meet; by a GREAT team; with a GREAT crew!!!
With our company’s focus ”GO FOR GOLD”, this day became a GREAT morning for us (Juru DT Team) to further ”Pick Up Speed” .
24/7, MDS ,Breakfast dan Drive Thru .... all of us competed under the 4 main themes.

Healthy exercises, team building, company focus update, store success sharing and last but not least … RECOGNITION!!!

Crew of the Month Jan - Yahya
Feb - Thiruvasant
Mar - Yahya

100 % GapBuster score -Zurina, Sadzly, Amir, Nurul, Chee Weng

Apr 15, 2008

Monthly SM Meeting & Service Awards Ceremony

The time has come again for our monthly SM Meeting .... as usual all our meetings must follow a Theme. So this time round is Biz Professional. Look at all of us - dressed like smart executives! Hehe .... so far, the meetings being held at Greenlane Training Room - very nice place I say. Maybe next time, we go to open places like Taman Belia to have our meeting (Think out of the Box...)

The highlight of the meeting was a special Service Awards Ceremony for all SMs who have completed their 5- and 10-year service. Also not forgetting the 15-year service SM (approaching retirement already ... Ha ha ha!)

We were reminded and given updates on MFY,DT,Ops, HR,Training and Marketing.

Oh,and Zarina from HR came in and told us how much we are worth! WOW! I never knew we were of such high value!! Nice to know that .... Hehehe!

The best as usual is makan time. Food was very nice - such a lot! - sponsored by Elena (everyday she is reminded to spend her 7K)

Later in the evening,Kelvin from Examas talked to us on Heat Treat machines and any issues we faced. He was all ears - listening to SM complaints, oops! - feedback - till he said Ok ok Time Out!

We had fun and can't wait for the next meeting! (Hmmm,I must ask Mel about Taman Belia then I wonder what Theme we will end up with Haha)

Apr 13, 2008

Go for Goal-Gold

GO ... O ... LLLL !!! What is happening in Elena’s area this April ?

Hehe … Football Fever laaaa…

On 13th April from 7pm – 1am, both Drive-thru stores #181 and #174 had a tie in with XPax-Celcom presenting ..... the Crazy Football Night!

We created a Special ‘Premier League Meal’ which consisted of 2 sets Medium McValue Meals + 1 Cornetto Sundae + Lucky Draw and a chance to enter the "Guess ??? Ball" contest at only RM23!!! The main purpose was to promote our Spicy Chicken Wrap.
We gave out attractive prizes for the Contest .... McD GCs,Special McD Gifts and 10 X-Pax phone cards sponsored by Celcom.
For this special occasion, both store teams dressed up following the Man U and Arsenal team colors .... RED for Devils' team and YELLOW for Arsernal :)
With the great and fun ambience,we got support from our football fans and sold 72 sets of the Premier League Meals!

YES!!! GOAL! GOAL! GOAL!!! GO for GOAL… Oops !! .... and of course GO for GOLD!

Apr 12, 2008

Crew Referral - Eng Chew's Mini Market

Pada 12 Feb 2008 bertempat di Training Room,McD Greenlane, satu Jamuan Krew Referal telah dianjurkan bagi restoran Kawasan Eng Chew.

Objektif utama Jamuan Krew Referal ini untuk memberikan restoran satu sumber bagi menjemput calon yang berkelayakan sebagai krew baru dan untuk krew sedia ada peluang untuk memperkenalkan rakan atau ahli keluarga mereka.Selain itu,ia merupakan medan untuk menerangkan peluang kerjaya yang terdapat di McD.Perjumpaan ini juga memberi peluang pada mereka yang hadir mengemukan soalan mengenai McDonald's.

Agenda dimulakan dengan ucapan selamat datang kepada semua hadirin. Seramai 24 orang telah hadir pada hari tersebut. Semua krew dan jemputan telah mendaftar nama, alamat dan nombor untuk dihubungi untuk rujukan masa hadapan.

Semua jemputan turut memperkenalkan diri masing-masing,krew sedia ada turut berkongsi pengalaman menarik mereka selama bekerja di McD. Pengurus Restoran mengambil kesempatan ini untuk menerangkan tentang Program McR&R dan Core Crew. Store Tour pula dikendalikan oleh CSM Jessica.

Salah seorang FM McD Greenlane iaitu William turut dijemput untuk berkongsi pengalaman beliau selama bekerja di McD ... bermula sebagai seorang crew sehingga dilantik menjadi Pengurus.Seorang krew juga turut dijemput menceritakan pengalaman manis beliau dan ilmu yang diperoleh selama bekerja di McD.

Sesi temuduga turut dijalankan pada hari tersebut.Seramai 10 orang telah berjaya dalam sesi temuduga ini. Jamuan makan turut diadakan selepas sesi temuduga.

Sesungguhnya program ini telah berjaya membuka mata dan minda mereka yang hadir untuk mengenali lebih dekat faedah-faedah dan peluang kerjaya yang menjanjikan masa depan yang cerah!

Crew Referral - Hong Chin's Mini Market

A Crew Referral party was recently organized on 12/4 for Hong Chin's Mini Market. We were pleasantly surprised by the number of people who attended our party ... a total of 46 crew & their friends!

Wati started the party by introducing herself and all the SMs. We talked about how we the SMs started our careers with McD and why we stayed so long with the company. After that,we got the crew to introduce themselves and shared their McDonald’s story.

Other topics covered were the McR & R and Core Crew program, career opportunities and the training provided by the company. Karthiraven (FM #150) told everyone how he started in McD,won the Best Crew of The Year 2006 for Melanie's PC and a trip to Egypt in 2007.

After showing the video provided by HR to the crew,we had a Q&A session. Thereafter,Store Tours were conducted, Makan time and a Group Photo!

Oh yes, we successfully hired 7 crew and the party ended with a word of thanks from our organizer,Wati. Thanks to all who helped out :)

Apr 9, 2008

Crew Meeting - Azemah's Mini Market

Selaras dengan komitment serta focus yang berterusan iaitu ”Go For Gold”, McDonald’s Langkawi dan Star Parade kawasan Azemah telah mengadakan Outdoor Crew Meeting pada 6&8 April ,di mana kedua-dua restoran tersebut membawa tema “Picking Up Speed”.

Activiti kali ini amat meriah di mana setiap kumpulan menunjukkan semangat yang tinggi.

Ianya dapat dilihat apabila mereka datang dengan kreativiti bagi mewakili 4 inisiatif iaitu (24/7 , MDS ,Breakfast dan DT) Crew Meeting ini memang lain dripada yang lain ... Jumpa lagi di crew Meeting yang akan datang !

Apr 8, 2008

2nd Qtr Meet - El's Mini Market

On 7th Apr, Elena's Mini Market met up for the 2nd time this year for our Quarterly Meet.

We started off with reviewing 1st quarter results for the mini maket .... Mystery Shopper reaults came in great as all stores in El's mini market scored 98% and above.

We continued with our Mini Market focus on 2nd quarter - stressing the point that we are now "Picking Up Speed".

As usual we had Makan-Makan which was sponsored by our lovely OC - El (as she was awarded 2007 Outstanding OC!!!) There were loads and loads of food with teh tarik!

We were also trained on Hotcakes procedures and all got to grab a bite of yummy Hotcakes!

To create excitement for our very own People, we introduced "Manager of the Month" program within the Mini Market - this idea was shared with other OCs who all decided to carry out the same program.

Let's Go for GOLD! Make it a Perfect 10 Excecution!